The Wright School is a private institution in South Fulton. They are known for their small family-like environment, personalized instruction, and interactive classrooms. They recognize each student as unique individuals.


The Wright School wanted to broaden their reach and share their story with the parents of South Fulton. Since they never utilized any advanced marketing strategies in the past, we wanted to make sure they had all the tools necessary for outreach.



Our team created a series of videos that highlighted all the wonderful aspects of The Wright School, and focused on highlighting why attending here can be beneficial for students.

Some videos we produced included:

A brand video about TWS's story

Specialty videos about their uniqueness

Testimonials from students and parents

A commercial to highlight TWS's value

Facebook Ads

We got several ads created, which led to a well-organized Facebook campaign that was targeting parents in the South Fulton area. It was critical to advertise the school in a genuine fashion, and with style that would attract parents with similar interests.

Landing Pages

The purpose of the targeted ads was to get parents to the VSL (Video Sales Letter) that we created. This funnel was strategically designed, so that parents could get a better look and feel for what this school is like, and the value they have to offer. Just by watching the videos, parents were able to learn so much about The Wright School.


In an effort to give The Wright School an organized system to keep track of the leads they have, we created a CRM for them. This has allowed them to contact parents, see reports about their school, track the revenue they're making, and much more.

**Picture displayed is a demo screenshot for privacy purposes**


24hrs after campaign launch:

TWS already got 4 leads for parents interested in enrolling their kids! On top of that, it only costed them $26 in ad spend to reach that point!

10 days after campaign launch:

The number of opportunities grew to 21, giving them a pipeline value of almost $100K.

1 month after campaign launch:

Over 100 leads, more than 50 appointments (scheduled calls and tours) and over 30 submitted applications.

4 months after campaign launch:

The number of opportunities exceeded to 400 resulting in a pipeline value of over 1.5 million dollars!

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